Crédit-bail de Pompe à béton stationnaire Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! de Chine sur Truck1 Maroc, 9493281

Crédit-bail d'un Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!

Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail

Publié: 5jour(s)

Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 1
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 3
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 4
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 5
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 6
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 7
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 8
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 9
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 10
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 11
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 12
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 13
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 14
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 15
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 16
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 17
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 18
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 19
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 20
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 21
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 22
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 23
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 24
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 25
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 26
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 27
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 28
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 29
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 30
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 31
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 32
Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!! — crédit-bail Schwing SCHWING Good Selling 2008 Stationary concrete pump【ACHIEVE】TOP CONDITION!!!: photos 33
Ask for all available pictures

Publié: 5jour(s)

Demander une solution de financement
Apport personnel
Mensualités du financement
Taux de crédit bail: 10%
48 890EUR/mois*
Prix initial 48 890 EUR
* Les données de ce simulateur sont indicatives et non contractuelles.

Numéro de référence

Année de fabrication

Première immatriculation

Propre poids

7100 kg


China, Changsha

Euro 3
type de carburant

puissance du moteur

233 CV

Deutz BF6M1013, in-line
pression de service

16 MPa
graissage centralisé

réservoir de carburant

400 l

Plus d'information


Projection BP2000 11Estuco Concreto Concrete Pump

SCHWING stationary concrete pumps.

For decades, stationary concrete pumps from SCHWING has been used for demanding, significant and record-breaking construction projects worldwide. Even under difficult operating conditions, they offer performance, reliability and safety in the high and long-distance pumping of concrete. Nowadays, in addition to cost-effectiveness and productivity, which are achieved by our EcoClean cleaning concept and the optional SmartSwitch technology, state-of-the-art exhaust gas cleaning is also necessary. This can either be achieved by state-of-the-art diesel engines or emission-free electric motors - for example, for smart use in city centres.

SCHWING portable concrete pumps are successfully deployed worldwide wherever vast quantities of concrete have to be pumped over exceptionally long horizontal and vertical distances. In building and civil engineering projects, they are also fast, reliable and economically efficient in handling pumpable concretes under extreme conditions with regard to concrete designs, job sites and climate.

The Rock Valve

RL-Rock valve, is a new generation Rock valve,Engineered by SCHWING R&D after extensive

studies of behavior of tough concrete in variousdeveloping countries.

This rugged, reliable rock valve is highly suited for stiff, difficult mixes of concrete and ideal for use in combination with the long stroke pumping unit. An option that can be recommended is the hard facing layer for extremely long service life.

Calculer votre financement

Ce concessionnaire n'accepte que les demandes de leasing en provenance d'Allemagne. Entrez donc un numéro de téléphone allemand. Il n'est pas possible de saisir un numéro enregistré dans un autre pays.

Le responsable du traitement des données personnelles indiquées dans le formulaire ci-dessus est TRUCK1 sp. z o.o., dont le siège social est situé ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 Varsovie, NIP : 7011085742, REGON : 521876921. Contact par e-mail : Les données personnelles sont traitées afin de répondre à la demande envoyée via le formulaire fourni, conformément à l'article 6, paragraphe 1, lettre f du RGPD. Chaque utilisateur a le droit de demander l'accès à ses données personnelles, leur rectification, leur suppression (dans des cas justifiés), une limitation du traitement ainsi que de s'opposer au traitement. Il peut également déposer une plainte auprès du Médiateur pour la protection des données personnelles. Pour plus d'informations sur le traitement des données personnelles, consultez les clauses d'information publiées sur le site web : Politique de confidentialité.

Demander une solution de financement
Apport personnel
Mensualités du financement
Taux de crédit bail: 10%
48 890EUR/mois*
Prix initial 48 890 EUR
* Les données de ce simulateur sont indicatives et non contractuelles.
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t1 test unit - leasing - Construction machinery
t1 test unit - leasing - ACHIEVE INNOVATIONS